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Once you've written the code for your adfPy components, it's time to deploy them to ADF!

The easiest way to do this is to use the deploy executable that is included in the adfPy package that you installed. To run it:

adfpy-deploy --path PATH
where PATH is the location of your adfPy resources. This includes both pipelines and triggers (and other ADF resources in the future).


In order to use adfpy-deploy, the following environment variables need to be set:

Environment Variable Description Example
AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID The id of the subscription in which your ADF instance is.
AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP_NAME The name of the resource group in which your ADF instance is
AZURE_DATA_FACTORY_NAME The name of your ADF instance
AZURE_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_CLIENT_ID The client id of the Service Prinicpal you are using. This SP will need sufficient permissions to do XXX with ADF.
AZURE_SERVICE_PRINCIPAL_SECRET The corresponding secret for your Service Principal.
AZURE_TENANT_ID The tenant id in which your ADF instance is deployed

Disable resource removal

By default, adfpy-deploy will try to synchronize whatever ADF resources you have in your defined path with whatever is present in the configured ADF instance. To disable this behaviour, add the --no-delete-stale-resources parameter, e.g.

adfpy-deploy --path foo --no-delete-stale-resources
Setting --no-delete-stale-resources will prevent adfPy from removing any existing resources that are not on the configured path, but it will still add or update the resources you have in your path.